Agata Kurzela, UAE

Agata Kurzela, UAE

An architect and urban designer by training, Agata founded her studio to work across diverse disciplines and scale, from digital exploration to craft and artist collaborations. Leading a multinational team, she focuses on architecture, interior design, installations and product design ranging from small-scale installations to large urban developments.

GAME OF LIFE was born as a part of research into traditional Sadu patterns, developed by Arabian nomads. Sadu weaving, often a very simple juxtaposition of positive and negative elements, uses compositional and semantic conventions that govern the pattern-making, yet leave some room for the weaver’s imagination.

Staying away from the traditional rules of composition, I decided to explore a more mathematical approach based on the cellular automaton algorithm developed in 1970 by mathematician John Horton Conway.

The algorithm, known as "Conway's Game of Life," is based on transformations (generations) that transform the original input state using a simple set of rules that govern the "life" and "death" of cells. The rules, applied to the results of the previous transformation, lead to the emergence of intricate yet visually coherent patterns.


Dimensions: 2400 x 1100mm

 Edition: 1/1* + AP

 Material: Wool

 Technique: Hand knotted, variable cut pile, hand-trimmed

 Production time: 8 weeks

 Made in Afghanistan

 *Only one piece is available in this size and colour. Contact for customised options.

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