Do not sell my personal information

Your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) provides you with rights regarding how your data or personal information is treated. Under the legislation, California residents can choose to opt out of the “sale” of their personal information to third parties. Based on the CCPA definition, “sale” refers to data collection for the purpose of creating advertising and other communications. Learn more about CCPA and your privacy rights.

How to opt out

By clicking on the link below, we will no longer collect or sell your personal information. This applies to both third-parties and the data we collect to help personalize your experience on our website or through other communications. For more information, view our privacy policy.

  • Editorial

    Current columnist, seasoned editor and publishing brand builder, with expertise in design, art, craft, materiality and sustainability

  • Advocacy

    Spokesperson, ambassador and advocate of sustainable design initiatives, design brands and art and craft practitioners

  • Advisor

    Experienced strategist in Creative Industries, with a focus on Middle East, India and Africa. Helping international brands to enter new markets effectively